Please fill the form for system price calculation according your needs
1. Which of the banking activities will be managed by CRM? Please prioritize them
2. Is there detailed description of bank business processes that require automation? Please specify.
1. Which external systems is CRM system supposed to integrate with?
2. Which type of integration do you prefer?
3. Which ways of integration do you prefer?
1. How many employees will be involved in the system?
How many customers and agreement approximately will be stored in the data-base?
3. What type of CRM is preferable?
4. Do you have plans for spreading the system to all the branches? If yes, for how many?
5. Please share the technical features of the future system server
6. What are the technical characteristics of work places of future system workers?
7. Do you need a Multilanguage / Multi-currency system support?
We will contact you soon. You can also contact with us by e-mail –, or read more about product.
Copyright © Delta M Collection, 2016